Many roofing companies and contractors require a regular supply of different roofing materials to ensure that they can complete their projects quickly and affordably. If you are working with roofing businesses to provide them with all of the different materials and fabrics that they need, then you will need a reliable supplier of polyester roofing fabric. Polyester fabric, when converted into a high-quality roofing product, can be the best way to prevent roofs from leaking after the construction is finished.
Polyester Against Traditional Felting
There has been a move away from traditional varieties of felting into the use of polyester roofing fabrics along with elastomeric coatings. Roofing professionals are looking for a tough, high tensile strength material that can be used in combination with a variety of coatings to provide protection against leaking. Wide polyester fabric rolls can be used as a quick way to cover a large amount of the roof surface while on the construction site, so that there is an additional working advantage to making use of this material.
Over the years, we’ve been able to establish relationships with many roofing companies and contractors. They’ve come to us, time and again, to provide them with the supplies which allow them to do their best work. See, when you come to us, we don’t just want to provide you with supplies once, we want to be able to establish a mutually beneficial relationship that stands the test of time.
Finding Reliable Supplies
When you are looking for a reliable supplier of polyester roofing fabric, Pacific Upholstery Supply is the best solution. We can provide custom widths of 2” to 82” in put ups of 300 or 324 feet. For more information on how our fabrics can be supplied to your roofing customers, reach out to us by calling (323) 321-2222 now.